Tutorial & peer feedback 26th March

Beth: could you try overlaying the images you have digitally?

Rachel: contact Kevin Lawton the Fine Art technician at AUB for acces to testing out collograph prints?

Beth:  I think that the experiments look really lovely and calming, it looks like you are on the right track and I think testing lots of ways of doing things quickly will help you decide what you like

Wiktoria: I really like the natural look of the prints! it’s very free flowing which made me think of consciousness and positive thoughts? I don’t know if it was intentional but the connection between nature and mindfulness is really nice. I felt relaxed looking at them 🙂 also the textures were very interesting and effective

From Rachel : Have a look at Matteo Zamagni’s modern practice – VR/CGI fractals – immersive experiences



Beth:  Cyanotype would work lovely with your leaves.